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8 Things You Must Do Before Starting a Business

For eight years, I’ve been on a wild ride through the business world. I’ve faced tough times and celebrated big wins. And now, I’m here to share what I’ve learned. I am here to show you how to get your business off to a great start. We’ll talk about things like figuring out who your competition is and planning for when you’re ready to move on. So, let’s start this journey of getting your business ready, step by step.

Let’s explore the 8 essential considerations that should precede the launch of any venture.

1. Competitor Analysis

Before bringing your product or service to market, it’s imperative to understand the competitive landscape. Investigate existing players in your industry—analyze their offerings, pricing strategies, target demographics, and unique selling propositions (USPs). Identifying gaps or opportunities within the market can help you carve out your niche and differentiate your brand effectively.

For example, you research existing electric bicycle brands and discover several offering mid-range models, but few focusing on high-end, customizable bikes. You see an opportunity to stand out by offering premium features like lightweight carbon frames and advanced motor technology.

Avoid relying solely on surface-level information or assuming you understand the market without conducting in-depth research. Also, consider potential lessons or opportunities they present before dismissing competitors too quickly.

2. Feasibility Analysis

While enthusiasm for your business idea is essential, it must be tempered with practicality. Conduct a feasibility analysis to assess whether your concept is viable from a financial standpoint. Consider factors such as production costs, pricing models, and potential profitability. If your product costs significantly more to produce than competitors’, evaluate whether there’s a market willing to pay the premium price.

You crunch the numbers to see if producing these high-end bicycles is financially viable. You factor in the costs of premium materials, advanced technology, and skilled labor. Despite higher production costs, you believe there’s a market willing to pay a premium for top-quality electric bikes. 

However, you also recognize the importance of pricing your product competitively within the market. If competitors are selling similar electric bikes for $1000 and you’re considering a price point of $10,000, it would likely make no sense in the market unless you can justify the significant price difference with unparalleled features, craftsmanship, or brand value.

 Therefore, your feasibility analysis not only considers the costs of production but also evaluates whether there’s a market willing to pay the premium price you need to charge to maintain profitability.

Do not overestimate demand or underestimate costs. Ensure your projections are realistic and based on thorough research rather than wishful thinking.

3. Cost Analysis

Cost management is critical for the long-term sustainability of your business. Study your expenses and evaluate whether you can deliver your product or service at a competitive price point while maintaining profitability. Consider factors like economies of scale, production efficiencies, and overhead costs to ensure your business remains financially viable.

You should calculate all costs involved in producing each electric bicycle, from sourcing premium materials for the frame and components to the expenses of manufacturing, marketing, and distribution. Understand the importance of competitiveness in the market, you strive to balance quality with affordability. 

If for example, you opt for a lower-cost battery supplier without thoroughly vetting their reliability or product quality. Initially, this decision seems like a smart cost-saving measure. However, after your electric bikes hit the market, customers start experiencing issues with battery performance, leading to a surge in warranty claims and returns.

In this scenario:

What to Avoid: Neglecting to account for hidden or unexpected costs by solely focusing on immediate cost savings. Sacrificing product quality solely to reduce costs can harm your brand reputation in the long run.

4. Audience Analysis

Understanding your target audience is paramount to developing effective marketing strategies and delivering value to your customers. Conduct thorough audience research to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points. By gaining insights into their behaviors and motivations, you can specify your offerings to meet their demands effectively.

Let’s say you’re considering launching a line of electric mountain bikes. Through comprehensive audience research, you discover that while there’s a significant market for traditional mountain bikers seeking electric assistance for uphill climbs, there’s also a growing segment of urban commuters interested in electric bikes for their daily transportation needs.

By avoiding assumptions and conducting thorough research, you’re able to identify multiple target audience segments with distinct needs and preferences. This insight allows you to specify your product offerings, marketing messages, and distribution channels to effectively reach and engage each audience segment, maximizing your electric bike business’s growth potential.

5. Demographic Analysis

Demographic factors such as age, gender, income level, and geographic location can significantly impact your business’s success. Segmenting your target market based on demographic criteria allows for more precise targeting and personalized marketing efforts. Adapt your products, messaging, and distribution channels to resonate with specific demographic segments.

Based on your research, you identify specific demographic segments within your target audience. For example, you find that urban people aged 25-45 are particularly interested in premium electric bikes for their daily commute, while outdoor enthusiasts in rural areas prioritize durability and off-road capabilities.

6. Break-even Analysis

A break-even analysis helps determine the point at which your business covers all its costs and begins generating profit. This crucial metric informs investors about the timeline for recouping their investment and achieving profitability. Calculate your break-even point based on fixed costs, variable costs, and projected sales to establish realistic expectations for your business’s financial performance.

Recognize the importance of cash flow management, especially during the early stages of your electric bike manufacturing business. Even if you reach the break-even point in terms of profitability, inadequate cash flow can still lead to financial difficulties. Monitor your cash flow closely, ensuring you have enough liquidity to cover expenses like inventory purchases, equipment maintenance, and marketing initiatives. 

Implement strategies to optimize cash flow, such as negotiating favorable payment terms with suppliers, managing inventory levels efficiently, and maintaining adequate reserves for unforeseen expenses or emergencies.

7. Expansion Plan

While focusing on the initial launch is essential, it’s equally important to envision the future trajectory of your business. Develop a comprehensive expansion plan outlining how and when you intend to scale your operations regionally, nationally, or globally. Consider factors such as market saturation, distribution networks, and regulatory requirements as you chart your growth strategy.

Avoid rushing into expansion without solidifying your core business operations first. Also, avoid neglecting market research or underestimating the complexities of scaling a business.

8. Exit Plan

Every entrepreneur should have an exit strategy in place, even when just starting. Whether through acquisition, merger, or IPO, an exit plan provides a roadmap for realizing the value of your business investment. Define clear milestones and triggers that signal the right time to exit, allowing you to maximize returns and gracefully transition to the next phase of your entrepreneurial journey.

While you’re just starting, you envision potential exit strategies for the future. You consider options like selling your company to a larger bicycle manufacturer looking to enter the premium electric bike market or seeking investment from venture capitalists to fuel rapid growth. These plans give you a clear path forward as you build and grow your business.


So, as we wrap up, remember this: entrepreneurship isn’t just about having a great idea; it’s about laying the groundwork for success. By taking the time to analyze your competition, understand your audience, and plan for the future, you’re setting yourself up for greatness. It’s like building a sturdy house brick by brick, ensuring it can weather any storm. So, go forth with confidence, armed with the knowledge and insights you’ve gained here. Your entrepreneurial journey awaits, and I have no doubt you’ll get through it with skill and determination.